If you're looking for a salad to fill you up, give this easy chicken salad a go. Made with just a handful of ingredients it's perfect when you're short...
There are lots of authentic vegetarian Indian dishes, but this hearty curry is more a seat-of-the-pants improvisation, actually based on a French technique....
Black-eyed peas cooked with greens is a classic Greek preparation. I decided to add a chile pepper to the beans, just to spice things up a little. I like...
A great vegetarian entree for fall, this creamy risotto can be served with scallops or seared halibut fillets; you could also add more leafy greens and...
This recipe is an adaptation of the smoky spinach stew served at Papaye, Samuel Obeng's restaurant in the Bronx. Built on a base of onions and ginger sauteed...
There are many kinds of tacos, some piled high and overstuffed and some more minimal, meant to be more a snack than a meal. These little tacos are in the...
Picadillo is a typical filling for tacos, enchiladas and chilies, traditionally made with ground beef. I lighten the sweet and savory mixture by using...
Two nutrient-dense vegetables combine forces in this delicious filling. Mushrooms are an excellent source of vitamins and many minerals, particularly selenium,...
A delicious dish that is perfect cooked on the griddle or the barbecue. Our easy grilled salmon recipe uses salty anchovies, citrussy lemon and garlic...
Spring onions found their way into several of this week's quiches. For this one, I cooked the onions with cabbage - even a half a head of cabbage that...
Everyone knows about fried calamari, but pan-roasted is a different beast entirely. This easy technique begins on the stovetop and finishes in a hot oven....
Fried chicken is one of the few fried foods that tastes just as good served at room temperature as it does when it's served hot enough to burn your fingers....
If there is one ingredient absolutely necessary for traditional New Mexican cooking, it is the long, spicy, local green chile. Try this easy recipe for...
Mix up your festive main with this fabulous Christmas dinner wellington. A make-ahead meal in one, it incorporates stuffing and cranberry sauce, so all...
Combine chickpeas and freekah with cherry tomatoes, olives and apricots to make this easy vegetarian one-pan supper. It's tasty and healthy, serving up...